Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Milagres! Siempre!

Dear Family and Friends!

This week has been really great as always! I really love serving here in Portimão! The members are fantastic and they are super willing to help out with the missionary work when they can. We worked really hard this week to try to find more people to teach. We have been working in Parchal the past couple of weeks, and we have been seeing a lot of success there.

Fred: His fiancé and daughter arrived from England this week and we got to meet them, they are incredible! They have plans to get married this week or next and then return to England. We are hoping that we can baptize him before he goes back to England, but it will be whatever the Lord has in store for him. I'm really excited to be teaching him!

Americo and Mauna: Unfortunately we have decided to stop teaching them for a while because they don't want to get married yet. So we'll pass by when we're in the area and we can always invite them to church still. They are a wonderful family and I hope they can be baptized one day.

Rui: He was our great miracle this week! Last night we were waiting in the chapel for our appointment to show up when Rui walked in asking if we had bible classes here! We told him about church on sunday and we invited him to sit and talk with us. He asked how our church was started, so we taught him about the restoration and invited him to be baptized when he feels that these things are true, and he accepted the invitation! When he left our little meeting, you could just see the light in his eyes, like he had finally found something he had been searching for. That is why I love being a missionary. I love seeing the light in people's eyes when they've finally found the truth.

I know this church is true, this is the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful every day to be able to share this message with the people of Portugal. Thank you so much for all your prayers, love, and support! I love you all!

Sister Steagall

Elevator selfie! 
This one's for my brother, Robert. There was a street food festival, but no street tacos.. sorry buddy..

Monday, July 20, 2015

Dear Family and Friends!
We had the transfer call last night, Sister Silva and I will be staying in Portimão for the next transfer!! I am really happy! I was very suprised though! It's pretty rare that a Sister stays in one area for 4 transfers, but we have really awesome people that we're working with, I'm excited to stay here :)

Fred: He is so awesome! His life has been a little complicated, he spent the last two years in prison, where he decided he wanted to completely turn his life around. He found and read the entire Book of Mormon and said that when he started reading, he couldn't put it down, and that this book made him want to change. We have taught him almost every day this week and he came to church yesterday and to the Elder's baptism. He is accepting everything really well and he truly just wants to follow Christ. I'm so happy that he found the gospel. He will probably be baptized this week or next, his girlfirend and daughter arrived from England today, he has plans to get married and then move back to England with his family. He is awesome!

Americo and Mauna: They are doing really well and starting to see how the gospel really is blessing their lives. We talked to them about marriage yesterday, and it was really spiritual and awesome, both of their children expressed interest in having their parents get married. I'm really happy that I get to stay here and work with them :)

This transfer, Sister Silva and I have decided to put absolutely everything we have on the altar of sacrifice so that we can see baptisms. I am really blessed that I get to work with her, she is a really great missionary. I know that when we sacrifice, we will receive blessings and see miracles. I love this gospel and I know it's true. I can see the blessings that it has brought to my family. I know the Book of Mormon is true, I promise if you read it, you will be able to see the truth. 

I love you all!! Have a wonderful week!
Sister Steagall


Americo and Mauna and their family!
The Elder's baptism!! 
We painted a room for the Elder's friend, it was awesome! :)

Monday, July 13, 2015

We have had a good week!

Family and Friends!
We have had a good week! We went to Parchal this week to try to find some new investigators and we had a lot of success! A lot of people over there talked to the missionaries like 2 or 3 years ago and they were very willing to hear our message again! So we have plans to start working more over there! 

This week we met Maria de Fatima, she is a cute old lady who loves Jesus! We taught her about the restoration of the church and she accepted the invitation to be baptized when she knows these things are true. She came to church on Sunday and had a very good experience there, we hope to give her a baptismal date this week!

Americo and Mauna: We are still working with this incredible family! They are progressing slower than most, but they're progressing at the pace they need. They recognize that we are here to help them have a happier family and teach them about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, but they are afraid to make some changes to their traditional Catholic beliefs. They are an incredible family and I really hope I can keep working with them :)

We started teaching a man named Fred yesterday, he rocks! We had contacted him in the road and invited him to church, but he showed up after church was over because he was confused about the location. So we taught him a quick lesson in the church and it was awesome! Some people you just know are prepared to receive the gospel. He is one of those people, and I hope he accepts it. 

This week I have really learned that obedience and hard work bring miracles. Sometimes we don't always see the results of our hard work, but the work of the Lord is great and He promises us that when we work hard, miracles happen. I love the mission and I'm so happy to be here!

I love you all! Have a great week!
Sister Steagall

We went to ponta da piedade with the district in Lagos! it was great! So beautiful!!
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Family and Friends!
We have had a good week! We went to Parchal this week to try to find some new investigators and we had a lot of success! A lot of people over there talked to the missionaries like 2 or 3 years ago and they were very willing to hear our message again! So we have plans to start working more over there! 

This week we met Maria de Fatima, she is a cute old lady who loves Jesus! We taught her about the restoration of the church and she accepted the invitation to be baptized when she knows these things are true. She came to church on Sunday and had a very good experience there, we hope to give her a baptismal date this week!

Americo and Mauna: We are still working with this incredible family! They are progressing slower than most, but they're progressing at the pace they need. They recognize that we are here to help them have a happier family and teach them about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, but they are afraid to make some changes to their traditional Catholic beliefs. They are an incredible family and I really hope I can keep working with them :)

We started teaching a man named Fred yesterday, he rocks! We had contacted him in the road and invited him to church, but he showed up after church was over because he was confused about the location. So we taught him a quick lesson in the church and it was awesome! Some people you just know are prepared to receive the gospel. He is one of those people, and I hope he accepts it. 

This week I have really learned that obedience and hard work bring miracles. Sometimes we don't always see the results of our hard work, but the work of the Lord is great and He promises us that when we work hard, miracles happen. I love the mission and I'm so happy to be here!

I love you all! Have a great week!
Sister Steagall

We went to ponta da piedade with the district in Lagos! it was great! So beautiful!!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Hello Family and Friends!!

This week was great! Even hotter than last week! But still great! We learned of President Packer's passing on Sunday and I was quite surprised to see two apostles go within a month. My prayers are with his family. We also said goodbye to Sister Marinho today! She'll report to the MTC tomorrow, i'm really excited for her!

Leida: We are really excited to teach her more about the gospel, she has a very good feeling when she's around us. We haven't been able to get a firm appointment this week, but next week we'll try to give her a date for baptism. I'm really excited for her!

Americo e Mauna: We are starting to work with them again! They are thinking about a marriage and are having a better understanding of this gospel. They're afraid to change traditions of their catholic religion, but they know that there is something different about this church which is really great! I'm excited for them!

We are have really been focusing on finding new people to teach and working in new areas. I know that when we are obedient and when we put our trust in the Lord, He will put people in our path who need the gospel. I'm learning just how important it is to pray ALL THE TIME! Anytime we have 30 minutes and don't know what to do, we don't just do street contacts, we pray, listen to the spirit, and then do street contacts. The success of finding new investigators that way is so much better! 

I love you all!! Have a great week!
Sister Steagall

We made cookies for all of our neighbors! Our whole building of 10 floors!!
Happy 4th of July! We all wore red, white, and blue
Some of our investigators and members in church :)

Saturday, July 4, 2015

The Hottest week ever!

Dear Family and Friends!!

We had a great week as always! I love being a missionary!! This week we said goodbye to President and Sister Fluckiger :( It was sad to see them go, President Fluckiger is an amazing mission president, a very inspired man and I have loved working with him. But I'm still excited to have a new mission presdient! President Tavares will arrive this Wednesday and then we will have 2 missions in Portugal! I'm really excited! :)

Nevaldo: He unfortunately was not baptized this weekend, we kind of lost contact with him for a little bit. But his mom is really supportive of him joining a religion, so we just need to have better contact with him. It's hard during the summer, because everyone goes to the beach every day! But we will continue to work with him.

Rodolfo: We are still working with Rodolfo, he is accepting everything really well and praying hard to find the truth. He has to quit smoking first, but he is on track to get baptized soon. He has a lot of faith and is earnestly searching for the truth. 

Leida: She is the sister of Hernesto, we are working with them both. Leida came to church yesterday and really enjoyed it. She says she has a strong feeling of peace when we come over to talk and she wants to know the truth. She said her mom is catholic and has a firm testimony in the catholic faith, but she doesn't have much of a testimony of any specific religion, but she wants one! This was the perfect opportunity to teach her about the only true church. I have a good feeling about her :)

We had a great week! Sister Marinho leaves for the MTC next week, so this is our last week with her :( We continue to work harder and harder every day, and Sister Silva is helping us come up with new ideas to find the people who are ready to recieve this gospel. She is an incredible missionary!! I love being here serving the Lord. I know that this gospel is true, and this is the only way we can return to live with our Father in Heaven one day. 

I love you all!!!
Sister Steagall

Goodbye Sister Fluckiger.. :(
Zone conference
Sister Silva said I have black in my blood.. I gave her corn rows!!