Monday, September 28, 2015

Water, Water, and more Water!

Dear Family and Friends!

I have almost no time to email today due to our apartment problems! Haha it's been all good, we've just been coming home to a flood in our apartment almost every day and today the men came to fix it, so Sister Landbeck had to be in our house while they were trying to work out the problem, and now we are very short on time to email! Quick updates on our friends!

Joel: He wasn't able to show up for church yesterday to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, but he'll be able to get it next week. He's doing really well with his scripture study and he always has lot's of questions!

Rafael: We are planning his baptism for this weekend, and his mom and other sister are soon to come. They are a wonderful family who are ready to accept this gospel. They all came to church yesterday, which was a miracle! I'm so happy for them!

Ivo and family: They have their papers for their wedding in process! So we will have a wedding soon and a baptism shortly after! I'm really excited for them to have an eternal family! They have 3 beautiful daughters and one son who's only a month or so old! They are awesome!

That's about all that happened. We had a good week despite the flooding problems! I love serving a mission here and I'm so excited for General Conference this week! 
I love you all!!
Sister Steagall

Cleaning up the flood!! Every day...
Dragging the mops that we borrowed from the chapel through the field next to our house, looking real fancy ;) 
Costa Rica District party!!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Dear Family and Friends!

We had a very interesting week!! It started out with an overflowing kitchen sink, causing a huge flood in our apartment which we spent a couple of hours cleaning up! I got a good video of Sister Landbeck freaking out! It was hilarious!! Welcome to Setúbal! Haha but we did see a lot of good things happen as well :)

Joel: Joel was baptized yesterday which was awesome!! We ended up having the baptism later at night because he had somewhere he needed to be in the afternoon, but he was still baptized and it was incredible! He is awesome! It's really amazing to be here to be able to teach people like Joel. He will be a great member.

Ivo and family: They are doing great! They have a meeting this week with the bishop to plan for the wedding so they can get baptized! Ivo also received a blessing yesterday to help him quit smoking. They are doing really well!

Rafael: He's the brother of a recent convert and he's only 8 years old, so it's a little different teaching him but he is so excited to get baptized! We're planning his baptism for the week and we're hoping we can baptize his sister this week as well, Margarita.

Marlene: We started teaching her this week, she was taught 2 or 3 transfers ago and actually had a baptismal date, but then she disappeared. So we are teaching her again, she doens't remember a whole lot, so we're starting from the Restoration with her. She is awesome! She said that she wants to be baptized, so we'll talk about a date this week. I'm excited to continue working with her, she is wonderful!

That's about it for this week! We had a grand adventure with our plumbing problems in our apartment, but it's still great! I'm having so much fun with Sister Landbeck here in Setúbal! We're going to have a great transfer! I love being a missionary here and I love Portugal!
I love you all!
Sister Steagall

Baptism of Joel!!

Someone tied their door shut from the outside.. so they can't open it from the inside.. not really sure about that one.. welcome to Setúbal! :) haha

Dear Family and Friends!
I am absolutely loving Setúbal still! The people we are teaching are doing well and I'm learning a lot with Sister Landbeck! We are both still pretty new in the mission, but we never stop smiling because we love what we're doing and we know the Lord is with us! 

Joel and Romario: Joel was taught everything and he passed is interview! He is so ready to be baptized, but he has to go to church at least 2 times and he slept in yesterday, so we'll have his baptism next week and he's hoping that we'll be able to teach Romario so he will want to get baptized this weekend as well. They are awesome and I'm so happy to be teaching them!

Vanda and Rafael: Vanda has decided that she's content with her religion right now and doesn't want to change, but she is still willing to let us teach Rafael (her 8-year-old son) and he is very excited to be baptized. I'm excited to teach them! 

Ivo and Marlene: They are doing great! They came to church yesterday and had a really great time, they're 11-year-old daughter learned about missionary work in primary and she got a "future missionary" nametag. She was so excited to show us! They are a wonderful family and they're progressing really well! 

Carlos: He is awesome! He gave us some African Cachupa this week, it was awesome! He accepts everything we teach him really well. He is having some trouble seeing why baptism is important because he was already baptized in the Catholic church, so we'll continue to work with him. He let us come over and play his organ this week, which was super fun! He rocks!

Sister Landbeck and I are learning a lot together, especially with speaking the language. But our testimonies are growing so much stronger. There are times when I walk away from lessons having no idea what I just said, I knew that it was the Spirit speaking, not me. This work is amazing and I know that the Lord is always with us. We are putting forth our best efforts here and I'm having amazing experiences. I absolutely love serving a mission!! 

I love you all!! 
Sister Steagall

I'm currently living in a house with 3 other sisters, it's always a party! The other sister's investigator took us to see a castle and an old Catholic temple right on the edge of a cliff today! It was beautiful!!
African food!! And.. McDonald's

Monday, September 7, 2015

Dear Family and Friends!!

Setúbal is awesome!! I absolutely love serving here! The ward is huge with lot's of families! We have so many less active members as well! It seems like we meet at least 2 or 3 people on the street every day that have already been baptized! It's crazy! So we have a lot of people to work with! We also have a lot of people who are interested in the gospel here as well! And a lot of part member families! I love this area!

Joel and Romario: He is the cousin of a recent convert and he's from Cape Verde. We invited them both to be baptized this Sunday and they both accepted! They are super cool and they ask a lot of questions which is always great when we're teaching!

Vanda and Rafael: The mom and brother of a recent convert. They are super cool! Rafael is 8 and he really wants to get baptized. They both accepted a baptismal date of September 20th, so we're really excited for them too!

Ivo and Marlene: This amazing family with 4 beautiful children. They have super strong testimonies and they've already been taught everything and they really want to be baptized but they have to wait for some papers so they can get married. I'm really excited to work with them, they have a strong testimony about modern day prophets and they accept everything we teach them really well! 

Gerson: We found him on the road this week, he is super excited about the gospel! We taught him about the restoration and invited him to be baptized when he knows these things are true and he said yes! He came to church yesterday as well, so i'm really excited to start working with him :)

Carlos: He is awesome! He's been to church twice now, but we still haven't really taught him anything, but he has a beautiful family and we're hoping to talk to him more this week.

This area is awesome and I'm so excited to be here! We have a lot of work to do and a lot of people who are ready to receive this gospel. I love being a missionary and I love being here! 
I love you all!!
Sister Steagall

Sister Lanbeck and I!!
Our Chapel!