Monday, April 25, 2016

Another week in Cacem!

"Behold, I will go before you and be your rearward; and I will be in your midst, and you shall not be confounded." -D&C 49:27
Dear Friends and Family!
This week was awesome! We've been working a lot with our ward and we've been seeing a lot of success! I absolutely love being a missionary here. We see miracles every day and every day I get more and more excited to be doing the work of the Lord.
Ana: She is doing really well! She started working this week, so it's gonna be a little harder to keep in touch with her, but everything is possible in the Lord's work. She is honestly one of the best prepared people I've ever met and I'm 100% confident that she will stay firm in the gospel, she has so much faith in the Lord already, it's amazing!
Vicente: He is doing awesome! We had a lesson with him where we invited him to be a missionary and invite one of his friends to go to church. We gave him a deadline of May 7th to find someone and invite them to church. He called us 30 minutes after the lesson saying he had already found a friend to bring to church! He is awesome!
I cannot say it enough times. I love being a missionary. I cannot tell you how many times I just want to cry because of how grateful I am to have the opportunity to be here and see people change their lives. I get to see the Spirit touch the hearts of people and testify of truth. If you are thinking about going on a mission, go!! It is the best thing in the world!
I love you all!!
Sister Steagall
Divisions with Sister Olsen and Sister Call!
Meeting up with my neighbors who happened to be vacationing in Lisbon!

Monday, April 18, 2016

The Craziest Week of my Mission and a Surprise BATISMO!!

"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." -1 Thessalonians 5:18

Dear Friends and Family!

Well, this probably was the craziest week of my life, I didn't think that being a Sister Training Leader had much responsibility, but aparently i was wrong! Haha but I am a person who likes to be stressed and busy, so it was one of the best weeks of my mission! 

We had a division this week with Sister Oliver and Sister Ditton! They are awesome! I really enjoyed serving with them. Sister Ditton and Sister Williams were serving together and while they were on their division, they invited Vicente to be baptized this weekend! So we had to run around a little bit trying to get everything prepared for his baptism, and in the end, everything went well and he had a great baptism! He even invited his friend to the baptism! He's already being a great missionary! :) I'm super excited for him.

We had ward conference yesterday, and I was asked to play the piano. One of the songs I had to play I had basically nothing to go off of except some notes on a page (without a time signature or key signature and you couldn't see the staff very well) and listening to a youtube video with some man singing a capella! haha the ending result was nothing spectacular, but I do like to think that my music teachers must be so proud of me using music theory on my mission! Yay! 

Ana is doing great! She didn't feel ready to be baptized this weekend, so we've pushed it off until next weekend, but she's doing really great and is really excited to learn! She had a great time at church yesterday and she also was able to come to the baptism on Saturday! I'm super excited for her!

Beatriz: We found her on our division and we realized so fast that she is so prepared to receive the gospel. She's 17 and she's from brasil and she has never been baptized in any other church! So we invited her to prepare to be baprized in the Church of Jesus Christ and she accepted. She is an amazing girl! I'm really glad we found her. More to come about her next week. 

I love being a missionary! I love helping so many people change their lives! I love growing! I love the gospel! I love you all!! Have a great week!
Sister Steagall

Divisions with Sister Oliver!
Vicente's Baptism!! :) 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Book Of Mormon is True!!!!!

"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:" ~1 Peter 2:9

Dear Family and Friends!

This week has been great! We've been finding and teaching a lot of people! I absolutely love being a missionary and teaching the gospel. I cannot say that enough times, there's just so much joy from this work. If you don't have the opportunity to be a fultime missionary, be a missionary anyway! It makes you so much happier!!

Ana: She was a referral from a member and she is awesome! She was actually baptized a couple of months ago in an evangelical church, and is a pretty strong member of this other church. When we invited her to read the book of mormon, she had absolutely no intention of reading it, but God is a God of miracles. So she ended up leaving her bible at her other church one day and she came home and wanted to study the scriptures but had nothing! So she decided to pick up the Book of Mormon and read it until 3 a.m! She's already in 2 Nephi and she only started reading on Wednesday! How crazy! She also accepted the invite to be baptized by someone who holds priesthood authority. It is amazing how God is preparing people.

Ariana: We found her earlier this week as we tried to visit a former investigator. She's 15 and is eager to find the truth and her pathway in life. She has been accepting everything we've taught her really well. She also has accepted the invitation to be baptized. I'm really excited for her :)

We are still working with our other investigators, as always and they are doing great. I'm so grateful for the opportunity i have to be here. I love this work, I love my Savior and I know that this is His church.
I love you all!!
Sister Steagall

Being missionaries, walking along :)
Me in front of a cool wall
Sister Williams and I in front of an awesome house! We love the architecture of portual! :) 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Conferencia Gera!!!!

"And Christ hath said: If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me." Moroni 7:33

Dear Family and Friends,

This week has been great! General Conference was absolutely wonderful! I am so grateful we have a prophet who leads and guides us in the world today. Something I've learned on the mission is that most of the world has no idea that we have a prophet, just like in the Bible. They also don't know that we can talk to God. But we can! He is there, He's our Father, He loves us unconditionally, and He wants to see us succeed, so He will help us. I'm so grateful that I have that knowledge and that I have the opportunity to be here sharing it with others.

Émerson: He is doing awesome! We taught him about the Book of Mormon this week and he accepted it really well, he also said he was going to watch conference yesterday, we haven't gotten in contact with him yet to see if he liked it. But he was super excited to watch it. He is someone who has so many questions and he's so open to everything. He will not throw any idea away without knowing everything about it. I have a feeling he'll be a solid member. 

Xana and Cristovo: They are doing really well, they started reading the Book of Mormon and praying as a family. Their kids tell us everytime they see us "we read!" It's so great that they are so excited to be reading and praying. I know this will help their family and I'm grateful that the kids are being such great examples for their parents.

Vicente: We started working with him a couple of weeks ago, he was actually baptized about 30 years ago, but never went back to church so he doesn't remember much. In the process of trying to reactivate him, we haven't had much luck finding his member record, so we might have a surprise baptism this weekend or next! He is such a solid guy, it's really awesome teaching him.

We have had the great blessing of finding a couple of families! It's kinda funny, between the Elders and us, we have like 4 or 5 really solid investigators that were found how? Because we helped them with their groceries. So what have I learned? Always offer to help with groceries! 
It's been a good week and a fantastic weekend! To repeat the words of Elder Holland, don't forget what you felt during conference. Apply it in your lives always!
I love you all!! :) 
Sister Steagall

I got to see Sister Rubio at mission council!! She's a Sister Training Leader too! I'm so proud of her :) 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

"And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father." D&C 18:15

Dear Family and Friends,

Sister Williams and I are staying in Cacém! Wahoo! I love this area! I'm really excited to be staying. This week has been an incredible one!! We found a lot of new people to teach, and we had a great easter! I am super excited for this next week.

Emerson: We contacted him on the street this week, he had already talked to the missionaries in the past, but didn't remember much. He said that his way of life is following the bible and living the 10 commandments! Perfect, that's what the church of Jesus Christ does too! He's accepted the date to be baptized for the10th of April, and he's super awesome. He'll bring a lot of friends to the church.

Xana and Cristovo: We found an amazing family that lives right below is in our apartment. They have 5 kids, and the kids got so excited when we introduced the Book of Mormon! They all started reading it and looking at the pictures before we even said the closing prayer! I'm so excited to be working with them, and they are super accepting of everything we've said so far. I'm so grateful for the opportunity we have to work with families. That's what this gospel is all about! Families! They'll be amazing members of the church :)

We are continuing working with our other investigators as well as our new ones. I know that this is the work of the Lord. He is always involved in everything. I am so grateful for my Savior and for His atoning sacrifice. I hope you all had a great Easter and found time to remember our Savior. I hope you all have a great week and prepare yourselves well to hear the prophets speak. 
I love you all!
Sister Steagall

Iza, a girl we contacted 2 weeks ago was baptized! She lives in the Elder's area, so we didn't get to teach her, but we did find her. That was such a miracle!
Easter! Reese's!!
Easter with the Barbosas!!