Monday, June 1, 2015

Lot's of blessings and happiness!

Family and Friends!
We had a great week! Lot's of blessings and happiness! I was really sad to hear about the passing of Elder L. Tom Perry. My prayers are with his family.

Ana and Antonio: They are married now!! And Ana is still on schedule to be baptized on June 7th, Antonio is going to have his baptismal interview, but still doesn't want to say yes until the day of, so we will see about him.

Cristina: She is progressing a little more, she has read a ton of the Book of Mormon, but still struggles with the Sabbath day, so we'll work with her more.

Rodolfo: Is really enjoying learning about the churhc, he has some doubts about the Word of Wisdom, but we're working with him and he is trying to stop drinking and smoking. He is doing great!

Gabi: She is a friend of one of our members and she really likes the church. We are working with her to overcome some trials and helping her to know that Christ will always be there for her. She's awesome!!

This is our last week of this transfer and I don't know if I'm staying or leaving, but if I leave I want to know that I left doing all that I possibly could for this area. We're gonna work really hard this week and we know that we will see miracles! Have a great week!!

Sister Steagall

1. I got to go to Lisbon to do residency, I am now a legal resident of Portugal! And I got to see Sister Elliott and Sister Miller from my MTC district!! I love these Sisters!!
2. Dinner with Carina (one of our members) and her sisters! Super awesome! :)

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