Saturday, July 4, 2015

The Hottest week ever!

Dear Family and Friends!!

We had a great week as always! I love being a missionary!! This week we said goodbye to President and Sister Fluckiger :( It was sad to see them go, President Fluckiger is an amazing mission president, a very inspired man and I have loved working with him. But I'm still excited to have a new mission presdient! President Tavares will arrive this Wednesday and then we will have 2 missions in Portugal! I'm really excited! :)

Nevaldo: He unfortunately was not baptized this weekend, we kind of lost contact with him for a little bit. But his mom is really supportive of him joining a religion, so we just need to have better contact with him. It's hard during the summer, because everyone goes to the beach every day! But we will continue to work with him.

Rodolfo: We are still working with Rodolfo, he is accepting everything really well and praying hard to find the truth. He has to quit smoking first, but he is on track to get baptized soon. He has a lot of faith and is earnestly searching for the truth. 

Leida: She is the sister of Hernesto, we are working with them both. Leida came to church yesterday and really enjoyed it. She says she has a strong feeling of peace when we come over to talk and she wants to know the truth. She said her mom is catholic and has a firm testimony in the catholic faith, but she doesn't have much of a testimony of any specific religion, but she wants one! This was the perfect opportunity to teach her about the only true church. I have a good feeling about her :)

We had a great week! Sister Marinho leaves for the MTC next week, so this is our last week with her :( We continue to work harder and harder every day, and Sister Silva is helping us come up with new ideas to find the people who are ready to recieve this gospel. She is an incredible missionary!! I love being here serving the Lord. I know that this gospel is true, and this is the only way we can return to live with our Father in Heaven one day. 

I love you all!!!
Sister Steagall

Goodbye Sister Fluckiger.. :(
Zone conference
Sister Silva said I have black in my blood.. I gave her corn rows!! 

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