Monday, February 22, 2016

New Companion!!!

"Behold, I speak with boldness, having authority from God; and I fear not what man can do; for perfect love casteth out all fear." Moroni 8:16

Dear Family and Friends,

This week has been great! We lost contact with a couple of people because I had to wait in another area for a couple days until my new companion arrived, but we'll pick the work back up this week. Sister Williams is awesome! She's straight from the MTC, and she speaks portuguese pretty well, but she's a hard worker and a fast learner. 

Teddy: He dissapeared this week unfortunately.. we got a message saying that he had to go to work in Setubal and wouldn't be back for 2 weeks. We were ready to hop in the car with the Assistants to the President and go get him, but he stopped answering his phone, so we didn't know where he was. We're hoping we'll get in contact with him again.

Jolly: He's doing super awesome, he says he's not quite ready for baptism yet, but we'll continue to work with him, it's easier to teach him now that i have a companion that speaks english, our lessons are going good with him :) 

We are always finding here, and we know we have the Spirit with us when we're finding. We have a great ward that passes on every referal they have. They are really involved with the missionary work. I'm so grateful to be here in Portugal, I know that God is with us in our work. I'm so grateful I can share this message with people here. I love this gospel, I know this is the true church of Christ here on the earth. I know that we have prophets that are literally servents of God that receive revelation for us. I know that each and every one of you can know these things as well if you pray and ask God. I know He answers our prayers. 

I love you all!!
Sister Steagall

Hanging out with the other Sisters while we waited for our new companions, I was getting my hair done :)
Sister Williams and I and Renata, one of the members :) 

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